of practice
SP²ACE aims to:
- develop a network and Knowledge Community to support exchange of practices, experiences and review;
- set up and curate a Knowledge Community to support collaborative learning;
- deliver learning events that will allow educationalists and learners enhance their skills, share new ideas and adapt to ongoing learning challenges.
The SP2ACE Knowledge Community supports exchange of practices and experiences between stakeholders. It is a Space for network members and other stakeholders to access the good practice cases in the Knowledge Bank; apply them in their practice; share experiences and create new ways of applying the practices.
It can be seen as the foundation of a ‘knowledge ecosystem’ that will build and widely disseminate an evolving evidence base on game based policies and interventions.
The Knowledge Community aims to create a stimulating and supportive space in which members of the network can be nurtured and encouraged to ‘give birth’ to new ideas. The Knowledge Community also acts in many respects as a ‘Learning Organization’, enabling collaborative learning and co-production of new thinking by ‘questioning the role of the framing and learning systems which underlie actual goals and strategies’ through downloading the best practices from the repository; reviewing them; exploring how they can be used in their own practice, and through ‘benchmarking’ activities – exchanging and reviewing their experiences with the practices, as well as uploading additional examples of best practices, thereby feeding into expanding the repository.
Sign up
and be a member of our Community!
You will be part of a dynamic and lively group of experts and practitioners facing daily the challenges of an exciting, motivating learning experience using games and playing.
You will have the chance to:
- Learn about initiatives showing evidence that they have made or can make a difference in enhanced learning.
- Share your game-based initiatives with the members of the Community in Space (Knowledge Bank)!
- Engage in the events organized locally by our community and enjoy our Webinar series on Game-related learning challenges.
- Share knowledge and experience with your peers, and discuss challenges, pitfalls and lessons learnt in the Community Forum.
- Check and upload interesting news (news, documents, videos and podcasts) in our What’s new page.
- Benefit from our learning opportunities: SP2ACE online Open Day and “Hackathon” on key concepts emerging from good practices.